Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well, I have been blessed with MANY family and friends who's birthdays are in January (as you can see from the last couple of posts). My sister-in-law, Kait, had her birthday on Friday. Happy Birthday, Kait! This is going to be a big year for her as she is getting married on May 30 (and I am a proud bridesmaid!). Love you Kait!

This weekend we are in Savannah and today, it is my baby sister's 17th birthday (see, I told you...lots of bdays. I will have to make a separate savings account for all of these presents!). She wanted to have a party with her friends at my parent's beach house. Here are some fun Pictures from the night:

(click to enlarge)
Mom made a good move by getting relighting candles. Katie quickly realized and started putting them out with her fingers.

A bow from one of Katie's gifts... mom thought it was the best thing since sliced bread...
Mom's birthday (yep, another one!) is monday, so it was kind of a celebration for her as well.
Katie and her friends:
We played Apples to Apples after dinner...
Happy Birthday Katie & Mom! Love you!


Anonymous said...
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Sue Gouse said...

These pictures are precious! Thank you for coming and documenting a wonderful time! I love you! Mommy