Oliver went to the vet on monday to get his leg checked out (he has been limping on it for a while). The doctor sent him home with doggie pain killers twice a day. He has been a little out of it lately. So...we give him his medicine by giving him a spoonful of peanut butter (not the recalled PB, in case you were concerned) with the pill surprise hidden in the middle. He LOVES peanut butter. He licks and licks and licks until it is all gone and after it's gone he licks and licks and licks, tilting his head up, down, side-to-side, etc...anything to help him get it off his tongue and roof of his mouth. It is truly the funniest sight ever! There is one requirement to reading this blog. There is a collage below of his peanut-butter-eating-behavior...you must CLICK TO ENLARGE!
Have you ever seen a cross-eyed-dog? You're in for a treat. This picture makes me cry from laughter ever time I look at it.

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