As we all know, the economy has been pretty awful. However, sometimes it's okay to use it to your advantage and get great deals like this dining room table! (Thanks to my mother-in-law, up to this point, we have been borrowing her wonderful table that was her parent's.) We got this table for next to NOTHING and it is brand new! We are so excited! It extends out to fit as many as 16 people. Now, I don't know when we will have 16 people over for a sit-down dinner (any time soon), but if we do, some people will literally be sitting in the living room... our poor little dining room isn't quite big enough to accommodate such a dining room table- part of it extends into the living room. It's actually pretty funny.

My husband's dream is to flip houses...

And his dream has come true as well! This house was a foreclosure. Wes has kind of been looking at houses like this over the past several months, so we decided to go to the home auction JUST TO SEE HOW IT WORKS. Wes and I decided we would just throw in a bid on this house for the heck of it because, at that point, bids were super low and surely it wouldn't sell for that amount. Well..... we won the bid! We walked away with the house. Just like that. After hours of, "oh my gosh, we just bought a house...did we do the right thing?"... we felt pretty excited about it.
Now, there is a little change in plans...we will be fixing the house up because, as you can see, it does need A LOT of work, BUT we will not be selling it. We are going to keep it all to ourselves!! I know, selfish, right? The great thing is that it has a dining room big enough to accommodate our fully expanded dining room table AND it's big enough to have a photography studio!!! The Lord has blessed us not only by providing us an affordable, roomy home, but by giving us the courage to actually go through with it. ;) Our issue now is when we will find the TIME to fix this baby up?
I know there has been a lot of personal posts here, but lots of personal stuff going on! :) But, have no fear, I am finishing up some wedding pictures and I have several shoots coming up next week!
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